

If you’re a member of a charity or community organisation then The Lossie Local may be an ideal way to let residents know all about your group.  You could include some brief details on the ‘Community Notice Board’, place an advert giving information about the services you offer, or even submit a full editorial and photos.  Any material that will make the magazine more interesting to read will be considered, so please don’t hesitate to send it in.


There are a few ways to get your information published, either free of charge or at reduced rates:

‘Community Notice Board’.  For the time being, this will replace the previous ‘What’s On’ section. If you have any brief details to share, then this is the place to do it.

If you’d like more space to include extra information, photographs, editorial etc. then there are a couple of ways to go about it:

–  Submit Editorial.  I will always try to find space for your editorial (including logos/photos etc. if you have them) free of charge, as this is what makes the magazine interesting to read.  Send everything that you have and I’ll do my best to fit it in, but bear in mind I may have to edit it down depending on how much space I have available.

–  Adverts.  If you would like to submit an advert for your non-profit making organisation then I’ll include these at a reduced community rate.  Prices are £15 for a quarter page and £25 for a half page and £65 for a full page.

Please see the ‘advertising’ tab for copy deadline dates, but the earlier I receive your information the easier it is for me and the more chance there is of finding space.  If you have any questions then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.